Friday, November 6, 2009

Mother of the Year entry #2

I look after kids. I like to send said kids outside to play when the weather is nice (or at least not a blizzard or hurricane). I do not always monitor their every move (they're good kids and don't get into too much trouble so I let them have a good time). Today was no different than any other - the kids were climbing the tree, using skipping ropes as a pulley system to bring things up into their "hotel". It's kinda cute really - everyone has a room and the hotel is big enough to hold about 9 kids comfortably. And then I sat down to change a diaper.....

The kids are decoraring the 'hotel' with leaves and other things and then this sound that sends panic up even the hardest mother's spine. Sophie comes running into the house screaming and speaking in some foreign language that only she can understand. I get her calmed down enough for her to start speaking english again and see the rope burn around her neck. In the time it took me to change a wet diaper, the kids had tied both ends of a long skipping rope to a branch in the tree in order to make some crude version of a swing. Sophie, in her excitement, was running around the yard and got caught (in the meck) by the booby trap in the front yard. Now she has a nice red ring around her neck to match the bloody ear she took to school just one day before.

Well I always wanted to win an award. I guess this year I'm really giving it my all. Just wait until you hear about my bloody Halloween....

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