Monday, April 27, 2009

You did WHAT???

We decided to meet up with Andy's sister and her family and go to Crystal Palace this weekend. It was great. We played ourselves out through the day and, because we bought the package deal, we got to order room service!!! The best part was the no cranky hungry kids at a restaurant waiting for food at 8 o'clock (if you ask Andy, he'll say the same thing, but switch 'kids' with 'mom').

Sunday was such a beautiful day, we thought that we would go for a trip to Hopewell Rocks. This was one of those times that I was glad we have a DVD in the van. Even though we had just stopped for lunch, the trip to the rocks started out with questions about when snacktime was. Instead of aggravating the situation with my standard answer of '45 minutes', we throw on Veggie Tales 'The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything'. They love that movie - there's a cute cover of the b52's 'Rock Lobster' at the end (it's called Rock Monster). Turns out you can watch 'Rock Monster' approximately 37 times between Dieppe and Hopewell Rocks - I'm performing it this weekend if anyone wants to catch the show.

So we arrive at our destination and get the kids (and snacks) all ready to go, and all ten of us head up the trail. We see birds and squirrels, we look out at the designated lookout spots, we leave enough yogurt raisins behind for each and every one of the local woodland creatures to try them out, and then...."PLAYGROUND!!!!!!!" It was decided by the under sevens that we were stopping to play and have sn- what's that smell? Aw man! It's Reilly. We're good right? Surely to goodness two families with three kids each (two of those kids still using diapers I might add) would be prepared for this. Well we had the pull-up, but that was it. Wipes and all other poop related items are back in the van. Normally, you would just go to the bathrooms and get some wet paper towels right? The park doesn't officially open for another couple weeks, so everything is locked up. No water or paper products in sight.

Wait a second...the snacks. There are drinks in the snack bag. Crap. It's apple juice. Oh well it's close enough. Even though Andy used as much of the used diaper as he could, he still needed something more to wipe with. Hey Reilly IS wearing socks and it's not really THAT cold out.... So there we were, cleaning our little boy's bottom with socks and apple juice.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

You can do anything if you're AWESOOOOMMMEE

I went to the Starbucks drive-thru a little while ago with a request from my brother to get him 'somethin fancy'.

Starbucks Guy: Welcome to Starbucks! This is (his name). What can I get started for you today

Me: (I'm thinking that he just said the longest possible greeting in the history of drive-thrus) Hi! What do you have that's girly?

SG: (listing off several frou frou drinks) Are you looking for something hot or cold?

Me: Well I guess I'll start with a hot drink.

SG: AWESOME!! My favourite is (the one I got)

Me: Cool. I'll go with that then.

SG: AWESOME!!! Was there another drink?

Me: Um yes please. What about cold drinks? I think I would like something chocolaty

SG: AWESOME!! The (the one I got) is really good.

Me: That sounds good.

SG: AWESOME!! Was there anything else today?

Me: No. That will be it.

SG: AWESOME!!! Your total is (about $67.42). Please pull ahead.

I go up to the window and he chats with me while the drinks are getting ready and he takes the money. I give him a tip.

SG: AWESOME!! Thanks and enjoy your day!

Overall, I give THAT Starbucks experience an AWESOME.

I am completely insane

True story.
I thought it would be a great bonding experience to help out with Sophie's Sparks group this year. So, when I signed her up and heard that they were looking for people to help out on Wednesday nights, I jumped at the chance. Skip ahead a week and I have a list of 20 girls who are in my group. MY group. Maybe if I take longer to say it, it'll sink in. MYYYYYYY GROUP. Nope. I have been given the reins of a group of 20 5- and 6-year-old girls. ME. Man, I can't even decide what to get to drink at Starbucks (honest - I usually let the guy behind the counter decide. Which reminds me of another story - remind me to tell you about the "AWEsommmme" guy at Starbucks). Now I have to decide what to do to help these little women earn badges on a weekly basis!!! The last time I felt like this, I was walking out of the hospital with a baby. I wanted to go back and yell at the nurses - 'don't you know who I AM? I don't even know what I want to be when I grow up!' Now I have that feeling again - except this time, I'm responsible for 20.

Now, I am embarking on the biggest challenge of my Sparks career: The Sleepover. The last time one of my friends had a sleepover party for her daughter, I said she was dumb. I did my best to help her out and still said she was dumb. Last year, when Sophie's group did their sleepover, I dropped her off and came home. I am terrified of the sleepover. Mainly because I was the one pulling the crazy stunts at sleepovers when I was a kid ('member the time Carrie?). Now I have to suppress all of the underwear-freezing-fingers-in-the-water-face-doodling instincts that are still very much alive and well in me. And did I mention that they were 5 and 6?

Dear God. I need strength. And Patience. And 20 calm girls who ask to go to bed promptly at 8 o'clock and don't wake up until at least 7 the next morning.

I'll let ya know if His answer was 'yes'.