Thursday, February 19, 2009

My little lady

So I'm sitting here on a quiet snow day watching Bailey make herself 'pretty'. She has her little makeup kit out on her princess vanity and has promised me that she won't put too much lipstick on. After each new layer, she checks in with me to see if she's pretty. I reply with 'you were pretty before the makeup Bailey, but you sure do look fancy!' Her response? a sneaky little grin and a fresh new layer of glitter somewhere.
Now she's on to the nailpolish. I have decided to let her do it herself today and, surprisingly, she's quite good at it. I have just noticed that she has her entire bottom half of clothing on inside out and backwards - must be trying for two snow days in a row.
Throughout this whole Bailey Beautification process, she says 'uh-oh better jump around again' and off she goes to do the latest dance moves, while jumping up and down the hallway.
It is time for another check in the mirror...Yep the makeup is still on. Thicker and brighter than anyone I have ever seen (or will see for that matter). But that's Bailey, my girly girl, queen of all the princesses.
And now it's time for Bailey to make me pretty - Look out world, Princess Mommy is about to arrive.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

things I hate to hear

THUD! CRASH! sorry
This means that Bailey has just launched herself off the top bunk (again) and has broken something (again)

THUNK! CRASH! (screams) 'Sorry! I said Sorry! Maaaaaaaammmmmm!'
This means that Bailey has just launched herself off of somewhere high (most likely the top bunk) and has landed on or somewhere near Sophie.

Running water
This usually means that someone is 'helping' me clean the house

Someone, somewhere has witnessed an injustice performed by the other two

bigger screams
the initial screamer has just tried to correct said injustice

the 'evildoer' is not happy with the sibling's punishment for aforementioned injustice

mooommm you need to see this
one of the kids has just gotten ragged out (again) for being a tattle tale and has found a crime scene

mommy! Mah heers wet
Reilly has just tried to show Bailey who's boss by dunking his head in the toilet